Welcome to your Generative Citizen Resources page where you will find recordings of our previous events, keynote interviews and much, much more!

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How is Generative Citizen Organised? With Ann-sophie Cremers

A Practical way to move from Separate Self, to Being the Whole with Connirae Andreas

Generative Citizen Practice 1 - Self Management

Better manage your emotional state by following the COACH approach (Centred, Open, Attending, Connected, Holding) to manage difficulties for better mental health. Decrease negative reactions like CRASH (Contraction, Reactivity, Analysis paralysis, Separation, hurt /hostility) for positive connections and coping with tough situations.

Here’s a great video by Robert Dilts explaining C.O.A.C.H State in the context of his Success Factor Modelling (SFM) Programme

Becoming a Generative Citizen, with Judith Lowe and Julian Russell

Three Brain Coaching - an Integrative Approach with Dermot Rush

Connecting through the body: With ourselves, with each other, with the environment with Selene Kumin Vega Ph.D